An animated fantasy-adventure. Set 1,000 years from now, the earth is ravaged by pollution and war. In the Valley of the Wind lives Nausicaa, princess of her people. Their land borders on a toxic jungle, filled with dangerous over-sized insects. Meanwhile two nearby nations are bitterly engaged in a war and the Valley of the Wind is stuck in the middle...
Category: Action, Adventure, Animation, Kids
Stars: Sumi Shimamoto,Mahito Tsujimura,Hisako Kyôda,Gorô Naya,Ichirô Nagai,Kôhei Miyauchi,Jôji Yanami,Minoru Yada,Rihoko Yoshida,Masako Sugaya,Takako Sasuga,Chika Sakamoto,Tarako,Yôji Matsuda,Mîna Tominaga
After the events of "Ice Age: The Meltdown", life begins to change for Manny and his friends: Scrat is still on the hunt to hold onto his beloved acorn, while finding a possible romance in a female sabre-toothed squirrel named Scratte. Manny and Ellie, having since become an item, are expecting a baby, which leaves Manny anxious to ensure that everything is perfect for when his baby arrives. Diego is fed up with being treated like a house-cat and ponders the notion that he is becoming too laid-back. Sid begins to wish for a family of his own, and so steals some dinosaur eggs which leads to Sid ending up in a strange underground world where his herd must rescue him, while dodging dinosaurs and facing danger left and right, and meeting up with a one-eyed weasel known as Buck who hunts dinosaurs intently.
Category: Action, Adventure, Animation, Kids
Stars: Eunice Cho,Karen Disher,Harrison Fahn,Maile Flanagan,Jason Fricchione,Bill Hader,Kelly Keaton,Joey King,Queen Latifah,Denis Leary,Allegra Leguizamo,John Leguizamo,Lucas Leguizamo,Clea Lewis,Jane Lynch
When LexCorps accidentally unleash a murderous creature, Doomsday, Superman meets his greatest challenge as a champion. Based on the "The Death of Superman" storyline that appeared in DC Comics' publications in the 1990s.
Category: Action, Adventure, Animation, Kids
Stars: Adam Baldwin,Anne Heche,James Marsters,John DiMaggio,Tom Kenny,Swoosie Kurtz,Cree Summer,Ray Wise,Adam Wylie,Chris Cox,Hettie Lynne Hurtes,James Arnold Taylor,Townsend Coleman,Kimberly Brooks,Kevin Smith
Shunned by Krypton's leaders for his theories of planetary destruction, scientist Jor-El rockets his infant son Kal-El to safety on Earth. There Kal is raised as Clark Kent and develops unusual abilities, moves to a shining Metropolis and meets a fiesty female reporter with a knack for trouble.
Category: Action, Adventure, Animation, Kids
Stars: Tim Daly,Dana Delany,Clancy Brown,Malcolm McDowell,Christopher McDonald,Finola Hughes,Mike Farrell,Shelley Fabares,Tony Jay,Corey Burton,George Dzundza,David Kaufman,Lauren Tom,Jesse Batten,Brad Garrett
Dark forces older than time itself are on the attack, hell-bent on stopping the dawn of a wondrous new green age. Don't you hate when that happens? Even more shocking: Bender's in love with a married fembot, and Leela's on the run from the law - Zapp Brannigan's law! Fry is the last hope of the universe, recruited for an ultra-top-secret mission. Could this be the end of the Planet Express crew forever? Say it ain't so, meatbag!
Category: Action, Animation, Comedy, Kids
Stars: Billy West,Katey Sagal,John DiMaggio,Tress MacNeille,Maurice LaMarche,Phil LaMarr,Lauren Tom,David Herman,Dawnn Lewis,Snoop Dogg,Phil Hendrie,Seth MacFarlane,Penn Jillette,Teller
The Planet Express crew get trapped in a fantasy world.
Category: Action, Adventure, Animation, Kids
Stars: Billy West,Katey Sagal,John DiMaggio,Tress MacNeille,Maurice LaMarche,Phil LaMarr,Lauren Tom,David Herman,Kath Soucie,Frank Welker,E. Gary Gygax,Rich Little,George Takei
Picks up where the first movie (Karate Kid) leaves off. Mr. Miyagi and Daniel take a trip to Okinawa to visit Mr Miyagi's dying father. After arriving Mr Miyagi finds he still has feelings for an old love. This stirs up trouble with an old rival that he originally left Okinawa to avoid. In the mean time Daniel encounters a new love and also makes some enemies.
Category: Action, Family, Kids, Romantic
Stars: Pat Morita,Ralph Macchio,Pat E. Johnson,Bruce Malmuth,Eddie Smith,Martin Kove,Garth Johnson,Brett Johnson,Will Hunt,Evan Malmuth,Lee Arnone,Sarah Kendall,Yuji Okumoto,Joey Miyashima,Danny Kamekona
In a land of living machines, two young ones are chosen to seek the legendary Mask of Light to reveal the savior of all the lands from the dark forces of the Makuta. During the course of their adventure, they will call on the heroes of their people, the great Toa. These Toa, masters of nature's forces such as Fire, Wind, Earth & Water, try to protect the chosen ones as they seek their destiny.
Category: Action, Adventure, Animation, Kids
Stars: Jason Michas,Andrew Francis,Scott McNeil,Lee Tockar,Christopher Gaze,Kathleen Barr,Dale Wilson,Michael Dobson,Trevor Devall,Lesley Ewen,Chiara Zanni,Doc Harris